Travel Insurance

Wide shot underwater view of couple snorkeling near sea turtle swimming in tropical sea
Most Americans told tourism market research firm Destination Analysts that Europe, Canada, Mexico and the Caribbean Islands are among their top vacation picks for 2023.

Thomas M Barwick INC/Getty Images

Americans are gearing up for more long-distance travel this year — with around 34% saying they have plans to travel outside the country, according to a 2022 survey from tourism market research firm Destination Analysts. That’s a 7-point increase compared to what travelers said in the previous spring about their ambitions to travel internationally in the coming year.

Most Americans told the firm that Europe, Canada, Mexico and the Caribbean

Travel Insurance

Revealed – what are the best travel insurance providers in Australia cover | Insurance Business Australia

“There is no single best policy that suits everyone,” the specialist says

Revealed – what the best travel insurance providers in Australia cover

Insurance News

By Mark Rosanes

With much of the world reopening borders and easing travel requirements for vaccinated visitors, there is also a huge surge in travel-thirsty Australians heading overseas. The numbers, however, are still well below the pre-pandemic peak reached in late 2019, according to government figures.

The latest provisional data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)

Travel Insurance

Top 30 travel insurance claims by under 30s totaled nearly $500,000 | Insurance Business Australia

Four of five of the most expensive claims resulted from illness or injuries in one area…

Top 30 travel insurance claims by under 30s totaled nearly $500,000

Insurance News

By Roxanne Libatique

The top 30 highest travel insurance claims made by people under 30 totaled nearly half a million dollars from October 2021 to October 2022, according to global travel insurance and assistance provider Allianz Partners.

The insurer said the travel insurance claims it received ranged from $6,000 to nearly $50,000, with the